
15 Years Young! Flying High!

("Let me speak from my heart" (c), per the famous mem ))

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We spent months looking forward to this special day. (I mean, we spent them working – You know we can do that!). And so it came: July 28th, our Company birthday. Our 15th anniversary: on July 28th, 2005, the TERRITORY Group was founded. We have progressed dramatically and pioneered so many things from discovery to where we are now. And, we would not have made it without you. Our best-in-class companions, our Clients who have become our true Friends.

On this occasion, we would like to toast everyone: our Clients, our Partners, our incredible Team. We thank you all for your valued support, and we love you to the moon and back. Thanks for being with us.

Please make sure to see the gifts we created for you and for ourselves: our 15th Anniversary Video and our re-freshed Website. Let's celebrate together!

Looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you soon.

Our best,
2020-07-28 09:00